Thursday, September 27, 2012

SoDak Summer 2012

This was back at the end of May and beginning of June, but here are some pictures of the trip June and I took to South Dakota for my brothers high school graduation. We were fortunate enough to be able to spend three full weeks with family. The first week was with the Vahrenkamps and the last two were with the Odegaard's.
Meeting Grandma and Grandpa at the airport.
Unfortunately, this was the only time Grandpa got to play with June like this on this trip because the next day  he severely broke his collar bone and was unable to hold her the rest of the time. 
Lovin' sitting on Grandpa's shoulders.
Playing with Uncle Tyler.
Auntie Regan and Nanna.
LaFawnda (aka: Blackie or Mishus(Sp?))
Taking a ride with Cousin Jada. June was a little worn out.
While in Rapid City, I had the awesome experience of photographing the partial lunar eclipse. For Jeff to allow me to take the camera with him. I had to promise to take several pictures. I think I did an OK job.


While we were home, Jessie, Jeff's oldest sister, her boyfriend, and his mom also made a trip out to South Dakota from Baltimore. It was fun to be able to do some of the more touristy stuff with them while they were visiting. One of the more fun things we did was take a trip to Devils Tower. I had never been there before and it was only about an hour and a half drive.
Hiking with Aunt Jessie
The group

Letting Aunt Jessie take a turn carrying June in the Baby Bjorn

Photo Op with Cousin Jada!
Cousin Elias is about two weeks older than June.
June and Great Grandma Odegaard
Uncle Aaron
I love those silly faces.
Learning about the Hissing Madagascar Cockroach from Great Aunt Amy.

Great Grandma and Grandpa
Pretty Blue Eyes

"Hmm, how does this thing work?"

Grandma Odegaard

The whole reason for going to SoDak!
Congrats Tanner!!
Love this outfit that we got to borrow. It was Regan's at one point!
Got stuck under the end table.


One of the other fun things we did while in South Dakota that I had never done before was the Volksmarch up Crazy Horse. Its a pretty rough hike for about 6 miles. I think it took us somewhere between 3 and 4 hours. Thats with lots of break of course since it was hot. Regan and I took turns carrying June since it was a little too rough for a stroller.
The whole group
Regan being kind enough to give Momma a break.
Regan, Tanner, and June at the top. Look at that awesome view.

Someone needed a nap.

Can you pick June and I out?
All the Odegaards

Posing in the armpit. There was an awesome breeze here.

Stretching her legs after a long ride.

Catching a ride on Uncle Tyler for a little while.

Meeting Tiege.
Great Grandma and Grandpa Vahrenkamp, and Great Aunt Jamie came up for a visit while we were there.

June with Grandma June
Great Grandma and Grandpa Vahrenkamp

Playing with Cousin Jada.
The other astronomical phenomenon that I was able to witness and photograph was the transit of Venus in front of the sun. If you look closely, you can see a little black spot move in front of the sun. That's Venus.

Nanna with her grandbabies.
Playing in "the nest" as Aunt Jessie calls it.

The Vahrenkamp Ladies

Aunt Jessie

Aunt Janae
June got to see a couple of my friends as well.
Since Christmas time, both of my grandparents have been moved to a nursing home. Here June and I are visiting with them
June had a great time visiting family and everyone loved spending some quality time with her. Its hard being so far away from family, but it really makes us value the time we do get to spend together.